Questions about creating your event? Text "EVENTS" here: (317) 648-4727

Host Virtual Events Where

People Actually SHOW UP and STAND UP to Buy Your Stuff



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So, you have an AMAZING Program that's absolutely transforming your clients lives but...

  • You're tired of talking sales calls all day.

  • You want to impact more people without selling you soul to your business.

  • You dream of hosting your own events "someday".



  • Fill your event with raving fans.

  • Serve your audience a transformational experience.

  • Sell your coaching program in a way that doesn't feel sales-y.

And most important, have fun while doing it!

Upcoming Events


Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out... Learn how to captivate your audience, leave a lasting impression, and amplify your message like never before.


Join the only live masterclass teaching faith-driven women

how to unlock up to $100k for their business and real estate projects TODAY!


Hosted by Jessica Karwat, Vegan Women‘s Health Coach.

A 2-day FREE Workshop to discover the Unique System for Vegan Weight Loss and let go of toxic dieting.


Could you be next?

Click here to learn how to create an amazing event experience that serves your clients and sell your coaching packages!

Client's Testimonials


"I would never have done a virtual event without Michele"


"Michele really takes the time to get to know you and makes sure that what she's creating with you is the best work that you have.

I would highly recommend working with her, you will not be disappointed!"


"Since I've worked with her, I've been applying the things she taught me in my webinars and I've been getting phenomenal results. Even the clients that I've been bringing to my business have been getting phenomenal results, and some of them have been even gone to becoming six figures entrepreneurs using the same tools that Michele taught me."

Why virtual Retreats?

There are people out there right now, weeping ugly sobbs, struggling and searching for the exact solution you have to offer. In fact, many of them are actively searching for you!

But they can't hear you amid social media and stuffed inboxes....your message gets lost!

And, even when they can hear you, statistics suggest it takes 4-7 hours of exposure to your content before they trust you enough to buy your program.

BUT- What if you could invite them to your event? You step on stage and captivate their attention in a way that stops their scrolling and snoozing AND you connect with them in a REAL way no one else has done before. They'll be fired up, thanking you and wanting more!

The REAL Problem with Virtual Events.

I get asked this about VIRTUAL EVENTS all the time:

Do people even show up? How do you really connect with the audience? And…who is going to sit on Zoom for THAT long?

But the truth is, THOSE aren’t the real “problems” with virtual events. 🤷🏼‍♀️

3 Myths about Virtual Events.

👉🏻No one shows up 👉🏻You cannot connect well 👉🏻They don’t work.

That’s why I was skeptical about VIRTUAL EVENTS. Do people even show up? How do you really connect with the audience? And…who is going to sit on Zoom for THAT long?

If you're a speaker, landing a paid gig is a dream!

Because if you could get paid THOUSANDS of dollars to do what you love…

You've made it! But getting the reps and the recognition is like landing a big break as an actor or musician. It’s a long road to rock-stardom.

A couple years ago I had the honor of helping host a virtual event for a company that had been hosting successful in-person conferences for over 50 years!

👉🏻We took it virtual, and were wowed by the crowd’s response! BUT…we missed out on $1 Million Dollars! 😱😱 ⚠️Because we didn’t make them an offer.⚠️

Top 10 Reasons why events transform your audience!

~The transformation is in the transaction~

If you have a paid event, the act of charging your audience money is actually life-changing. I know sounds crazy town, but stay with me:

One of my favorite coaches, Eileen Wilder, always says: “The transformation is in the Transaction”. When we sell someone anything, the act of saying YES is a transformation for them.

Afraid to get out there?

Public speaking is a skill, not a talent.

And so is public speaking…so is hosting events. And just like those famous quotes say:

“You can't get to your 100th video until you do the first one.”

So just get out there and do it!

Signature Stages LLC. | Copyright ©2024 | All Rights Reserved.

The services provided by Signatures Stages, LLC are for informational purposes only and do not guarantee specific results. Income or earnings statements are examples and not guarantees of future performance. We use third-party software for event webpages, emails, and other materials, which may have limitations and are provided as-is. We are not liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of our services. This site is not affiliated with Facebook or Google. For detailed information, please visit our Disclaimer page.